The story behind my brand
You may be wondering why ‘Onward’? Or perhaps you’ve noticed the wave which forms part of my logo… read on to find out more!
At the age of 40, perhaps a part of the classic ‘mid life crisis’, I decided to get a small tattoo on my inner wrist. I had thought for many years about what I would get, and knew it had to be something meaningful that would last the test of time. A wave was the obvious answer. Waves mean a huge deal to me - from using them as a visualisation when practicing meditation or breathing exercises, to jumping in them to bring silly giggles to the surface (an absolute favourite activity of mine as you can see above taken during my chemo treatment!). To me, waves signify persistence, strength, reliability, power, beauty, and peace. So the tattoo was born, and the wave became a part of my very identity.
The word ‘Onward’ is a more recent addition to my life - I started posting photos and words on my social media pages when I was diagnosed with cancer, sharing my story widely to help people understand what I (and many others!) was going through. At the end of each post, I would usually finish with the word ‘Onward’ accompanied by a couple of emojis 💪🏻💕. It signified to me the importance of putting one foot in front of the other, during the toughest time of my life, drawing on strength and love, and using this as fuel to move forward. Or onward.
So there you have it - when it came to naming my business, and creating a brand identity, I believe I had the answers I needed already with the wave and the word ‘Onward’. I hope they also continue to guide me as I work with you to help you, your businesses, and your teams, move Onward.